Early Birds, Night Owls, Little Ladybirds & Appletree Preschool & Holiday Hedgehogs
Welcome to the company of Early Birds and Night Owls
Please have a look at our virtual tour
Please have a look at our virtual tour

Little Ladybirds & Appletree Pre-Schools
Little Ladybirds & Appletree Pre-Schools
At our pre-schools we treat each child as an individual in terms of his/her needs and we aim to extend their experience and imaginative understanding by encouraging them to participate in a wide range of activities. We stress the importance of self respect and a respectful and caring attitude towards our environment and others. We strive to achieve a high degree of independence and adaptability in our children so that they can become effective, contented and successful in all they undertake.
Our Little Ladybirds and Appletree Pre-School settings are based in and around the Bishops Stortford area, for further information please click here.
Early Birds breakfast club
Early Birds breakfast club
A tasty breakfast is the most important meal of the day and we believe a good breakfast has a positive effect on Children’s concentration and performance throughout the day.
Our Early Birds breakfast clubs are based at several of our settings in and around Bishops Stortford, and offer children a wide range of healthy choices for their breakfast alongside the opportunity to take part in lots of fun activities for the session.
For more information on our Early Birds breakfast clubs, please click here

Night Owls after school club
Night Owls after school club
Night Owls after school clubs are based at all of our settings and offer children the opportunity to play and interact with others as an extension of their school day. Children will be encouraged to participate in planned activities but as an after school club the emphasis will be on each child making their own choices.
Each of our settings has a wide selection of toys, games, puzzles and role play as well as quiet areas and outside space.
As part of the session children will be provided with a drink and snack when they arrive and tea later on which will more often than not be a hot meal.
For further information on Night Owls after school clubs, please click here
Holiday Hedgehogs
Holiday Hedgehogs
Holiday Hedgehogs is based at our Northgate setting and we welcome children aged from 2 - 11 years. Children are invited to join us for different activities and experiences and they will get the chance to make new friends as Holiday Hedgehogs is open to all children regardless of which school they attend.
For further information on Holiday Hedgehogs, please click here

Early Birds & Night Owls Facebook
Early Birds & Night Owls Facebook
Please do take a look at our facebook page. You can click on the link opposite or above and go and like or follow our page for regular updates and activities the settings get up too.
Please call us for more information
Please call us for more information
01279 771367
What our customers are saying
What our customers are saying
Thanks again for all you do, Z is loving his time at Early Birds, Appletree and Night Owls!